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Fuel Injector Cleaner

SeaFoam is prolly the best, but the cheapo STP is all I've ever used in a scoot...I'll run a whole bottle in six gallons every few months, or when it seems to not be running all that good. I'm sure everybody runs premium, so that helps too.
Transmission fluid cleans Carbs,injectors, and carbon. I've been using it for years never had a problem with it.

Old trick used by many many true mechanics, not "part changers" but mechanics.

An old trick is when an engine is all carboned up, or running rough/bad due to age/storage etc... is to run it at a very high idle and slowly pour it in the carb/intake, cleans it up VERY well. It also works well in engine oil to clean sticking valves/lifters etc... just change your oil right away.

Tranny fluid in your gas will clean up your carb/injectors, your intake system, combustion chamber, exhaust, etc... it removes hardened deposits like a charm, and since it is an oil it wont be too dry for seals/gaskets and fuel pumps like many additives are.

Another tip, never ever use ether/starting fluid on ANY engine, not even a diesel, use WD-40, not only will it start instantly, it works as a lubricant as well and won't destroy your engines innards by overuse.

Regards, Bill
You guys really like the Sea Foam. And to think I just bought some Marvel Mystery Oil to add a wee bit to my gas a couple of times a season.
Is Sea Foam that much better than MMO?

Use what works for you. Sea foam is also a gas preservative. I also use Lukas gas treatment once in a while and it's a lot like MMO.
BG 44K is supposed to be top notch for cars, Seems you would have to adjust the dose for a 5 gallon tank but other than that is should work on any fuel injector.
Just added an ounce or so of Seafoam to my scoot's 1/2 tank of gas. I can tell some difference. Although upper lube (it still sounds like an old industrial sewing machine) is probably not as good as MMO, it is an oil based additive. I was getting a bit of a blip when bringing revs up to downshift, and it seems to be gone.

I will be using maybe 2 oz seafoam per 5 gals fuel every 3-4 tanks...and MMO every tank.

Cant hurt right???? right???