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Foods You Will Not Eat


Junior Member
Since a recent thread titled "cold weather riding" got off subject and on to food... We all have favorite things we like to eat and I assume things you will not or do not eat.... Let's discuss the things we DO NOT LIKE

For me it's liver..... think about's a FILTER. Your bike's oil filter takes out the contaminates in the oil flowing in your bike's engine. LIVER takes out the contaminates in you blood stream....

contaminate |kənˈtaməˌnāt|
verb [ trans. ] (often be contaminated)
make (something) impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance : the site was found to be contaminated by radioactivity | figurative the entertainment industry is able to contaminate the mind of the public | [as adj. ] ( contaminated) contaminated blood products. See note at pollute .
Ocra, yogurt, pudding, tuna fish that has been heated. But I'll eat pretty much anything else:bigsmiley30:
Pasta and grits, When we have spagetti and meatballs I have the meat sauce on toast:D
Liver. Plain white rice. Those two things I will not ever eat again.

I do have other food which aren't my favorites, but I'd eat them if push came to shove.
Peas and eggplant!!!!! Also, a friend of mine loves weird foods. He had me try some cheese called Beer Kaese (aged brick cheese). It tasted like the inside of a laborer's work boot after a 16 hour shift in the middle of August.... just gross!!:26::26::26:
It tasted like the inside of a laborer's work boot after a 16 hour shift in the middle of August.... just gross!!:26::26::26:

Just curious How do you know what the inside of a labourer's work boot tastes like?:shock
Hot tuna
Liver mush..(NC breakfast "meat")
Raw eggs...egg nog included
HOT peppers
And after watching Bizarre Foods, a number of things in other countries.:26:
1) "natural casings" on brats/specialty dogs
2) liver and onions
3) head cheese
4) rice pudding or tapioca pudding
5) raw oysters
6) SPAM or Vienna Sausages in a can

Most anything else I can handle.
Just curious How do you know what the inside of a labourer's work boot tastes like?:shock

In college, my 2 choices were to eat a live goldfish, or lick the inside of a laborer's work boot at the end of a 16 hour shift in August.