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First service

First off they cannot void any warranty if you use an oil that meets or exceeds the oil that is recommended for the engine whether it be Harley sold oil or other brands. Your dealer is trying to brain wash you about this. Ask him to put that in writing, bet he declines to do it.

Dealers And The Magnusson-Moss Act - Harley Davidson Community

The Dino HD oil is a good product but the SYN 3 is NOT and above all not in the transmission. You need a gear oil in there if you want it to last. Would you put mazola cooking oil in the engine? Why not? It's not made for it.

Here's some tried and true suggestions for oils...
Oil Suggestions For Harleys - Harley Davidson Community

The major benefit of using the synthetic oil in the engine is a bit better cooling and less friction than dino oil but the main benefit is that it can withstand temps higher than the dino oil and will not break down as fast in hi temp air cooled engines.

Oil Breakdown At Temps - Harley Davidson Community

Don't listen to everything this particular dealer tells you unless you verify it else where. Call different dealers and watch how the song changes between them and then form your own conclusion. Deal;ers are in it to make money so naturally thery want to sell THEIR product and will try to discourage you from buying other brands because they don't make any money on them.

Get the service manual and do your own services. It's not difficult and you know what oils were used and that they were filled properly and the plugs were installed properly unlike many other times if you look around the forum where they neglected to fill the primary in one post and the drain plugs weren't tightened in yet another.

Only trying to pass on what I have done and learned in this business since 1969 to try to save you money.:s Your choice after that.
It's a good thing they would work with you. My dealer sold to new owners and not sure what they will be charging. The old owner was 300