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FEB 1 2012......two new models

Sportster looks the same to me, not a whole lot the company can do to it without jacking the price up. I do like the thin white wall on the tires, but just not a fan of the spokes. Kinda like what they did with the forty-eight paint it green, added some drag bars and put the mirrors on the bottom of the bars and try to make you think it is all new...aahh it's ok.
Kinda the same with the Softail, they narrowed the rear (taking away stability and comfort) added less to the seat so you can see the engine while riding? Yes just what I want to be doing while going 80mph down the road is stare at the top my engine between my legs. Hello back of truck! And lets face it, the focal point of any Harley is the engine so there is no need to go back to anything when it comes to the engine.
Yeah not a fan of either bike, other than the colors, they just look very dull and been there done that before.
I love the sportster! I have a friend with one and I have always told him he should put mini apes on it. I think it looks sweet