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E15 Approve - Impacts to our bikes?

Just to be clear, I don't think that adding ethanol will cause major problems for engines/injectors etc. I think there are "work arounds" to supplementing fuel. My issue is energy density. I would love to fine a "renewable" source, but when you do the math on China, India and the rest of the work with population: we need a pardigm shift by an order of magnitude or greater. Oil and coal are millions of year of compressed solar energy. Solar energy sound great, but using the current rare earth elements to make the panels: there is not enough in the earth to sustain the US, let alone the world.

I also don't think it is a government "conspiracy" per say. It is just the drive to make money through government contracts or tax subsidies. It simply won't be "home grown" ethanol. It will be traded on the global market. Even the windmills we are installing under this adminstratioin are built in China and have Chinese works flown in to install them.

My point is that we will simply have to pay more to do what we enjoy. I agreee with Smitty, nothing is goint to blow up and the machines will be adapted.
E-10 has done lots of evil things to my 2 cycle boat motors,pressure washer, etc. Sta bil can't help with phase seperated fuel. Best to drain it all out if its going to sit a while.

Ethenol used in boats is usually bad news. Early on it was discovered that it disolves the resins used in fiberglass fuel tanks used in boats, requiring them to be dry docked and things ripped up to replace the fiberglass tank with metal one. In early cars of the 70's or earlier that use rubber/composition fuel lines, needle valves and seals sufferred leaks and damage with continued use of E10 fuels and such.

The only good news is the fact that most of the replacements have occured in the wake of the E10 intro, so going to E15 really does not change anything really, that hasn't been impacted already...oh well. :newsmile040:
In typical government fashion, they completly ignor the fact the it takes more BTU's (the basic energy measument scale) to plant,grow,harvest,distill,transport,distribute ethenol than you get out of it when you use it as fuel....but then the large agra-business corperations have bought and paid for all our elected "leaders" in Washington, and they dictate policy, not common sense. I think thier main "go to" bribed senator is Grassley from Iowa.....a "free enterprise" market driven type.......another crooked politician....for sale to the highest bidder.....
In typical government fashion, they completly ignor the fact the it takes more BTU's (the basic energy measument scale) to plant,grow,harvest,distill,transport,distribute ethenol than you get out of it when you use it as fuel....but then the large agra-business corperations have bought and paid for all our elected "leaders" in Washington, and they dictate policy, not common sense. I think thier main "go to" bribed senator is Grassley from Iowa.....a "free enterprise" market driven type.......another crooked politician....for sale to the highest bidder.....

You're preaching to the choir here chrome - couldn't agree more. These politicians have been bought and paid for so many times overs, that is as natural for them to tell you one thing in public and do the opposite when the public's gone home, as it is for them to breathe. I mean you can have Jack Murtha call the people in his state rednecks and racists - and then they turn around and vote him right back in on the next election. These guys know the game, and the game is the very people they represent. When it comes to doing what's in the best interest of the people, or the best interest of their party - the party gets the vote every time. They say people get the government they deserve - no truer words spoken.
You're preaching to the choir here chrome - couldn't agree more. These politicians have been bought and paid for so many times overs, that is as natural for them to tell you one thing in public and do the opposite when the public's gone home, as it is for them to breathe. I mean you can have Jack Murtha call the people in his state rednecks and racists - and then they turn around and vote him right back in on the next election. These guys know the game, and the game is the very people they represent. When it comes to doing what's in the best interest of the people, or the best interest of their party - the party gets the vote every time. They say people get the government they deserve - no truer words spoken.

VERY well said:s
You're preaching to the choir here chrome - couldn't agree more. These politicians have been bought and paid for so many times overs, that is as natural for them to tell you one thing in public and do the opposite when the public's gone home, as it is for them to breathe. I mean you can have Jack Murtha call the people in his state rednecks and racists - and then they turn around and vote him right back in on the next election. These guys know the game, and the game is the very people they represent. When it comes to doing what's in the best interest of the people, or the best interest of their party - the party gets the vote every time. They say people get the government they deserve - no truer words spoken.

I agree as well.
Also, think about this. I believe it is a truth (there is no free lunch!):

Out of every hundred new ideas ninety-nine or more will probably be inferior to the traditional responses they propose to replace. No one man, however brilliant and well informed, can come in one lifetime to such fullness of understanding as to safely judge and dismiss the customs or institutions of his society, for these are the wisdom of generations, after centuries of experiment in the laboratory of history.

Will and Ariel Durant
I will throw in my 2 cents worth here. I am not sure why. BUT, all my gasoline engines at home - other than automobiles that are used daily - have problems starting after sitting for just one month. Chain saws, push mowers, generators, weedeaters, everything. Like I said, I am not sure why, but I believe it has a lot to do with this ethonol gasoline. IF I let a chainsaw or generator sit over the winter for example, when I get it out to use, I have to clean the carbs EVERYTIME before it will even fire. Now days I am spending wayyyyy too much on stabil and carb cleaner than I like to admit. BTW - when using ethonol gasoline in your car or truck, you will NOT get as good of MPG as with gas without it, but you WILL pay the same price for it! I do not like E10, E15 or E anything.


Billbo - was re-reading this thread tonight as gassed the scoot up tonite w/ ethanol free gas and was talking to a fella as he was gassing up his boat and we were discussing the E15 on it's way.

But on your comment about having to clean your carbs "everytime". Are you having to do this even with the stabil additive being added to the gas you're using on your tools, lawnmowers, etc? Can't tell from your comment if you're still having starting issues on devices that have the stabil added...thanks
E15 Fuel

I was just reading something on E15 Gas:bigsmiley15:

What they are saying our bikes will wear out faster and not run right:bigsmiley15:
some our feighting it but you know how things are getting passed these day,
so if our stock bikes won't run what will the pumped up ones do:bigsmiley15:
Re: E15 Fuel

IMO run bad, not complete burn and too low of octane rating:s