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Dropped Helmet

Hobbit, Smitty, that's the testing done in their R&D lab to ensure the production of the line meets the standards, not for an individual helmet that will go back on somebody's head!

I get do they test a brand spanking new helmet that has never been drop tested? They don't do 100% testing of all helmets...the manufacturer takes a random unit off the line every so often...(and wisks it off to their TOP SECRET TEST LOCATION and NO, THEY WILL NOT PROVIDE YOU WITH THEIR AQL (Acceptable Quality Level) STAT IF THEY HAVE A FAILURE OUT OF SO MANY). AQL was a development of WWII because manufacturing/war effort did not have the time or manpower for 100% testing of aircraft parts! :taunt

QA/QC was a U.S. phenom, but reinvented by the Orient & Europe. What do you think this is A DEMOCRACY? :42:
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They have always said that about helmets. In my mtb racing days, I went through many helmets, (I like to think of it as not a bad rider, just aggressive :D) I went by my own judgment as to decide when to replace my helmet. I had some pretty bad crashes, broke many bike parts, smashed a few helmets, but for the most part, I would replace the helmet after a hard hit. If I had a crash and didn't feel the helmet was damaged, I would continue to use the helmet for a short while. I would usually replace it and then that would be a back up.

I would ride my bikes about 5 days/nights a week. I would ride very fast for my own power, I raced cross country, downhill & trials. I ended up with a couple of concussions and a fractured forearm. Other than a bunch of new skin I accumulated, I fared pretty well.

I wear my helmet most all the time when I ride, more out of habit I think, but I'm not convinced that in certain circumstances a helmet will save me, but I do think it may take some impact that I would rather my skull not take. :s JMO here, I think everyone needs to decide what is best for them.

I really feel that I was much more wreckless & dangerous on the bicycle than I ever will be on the motorcycle. I had a 23 lb bike & I wouldn't go more than 45 mph in the woods. I had hit 57 mph on pavement once, but my rationale was that I would probably not kill myself, and while on the motorcycle, I don't have the need to go at max speed, but, I don't know what the other drivers are going to do, so I try to look out for myself. :s I guess feel I needed the helmet more on the bicycle than the harley.
They have always said that about helmets. In my mtb racing days, I went through many helmets, (I like to think of it as not a bad rider, just aggressive :D) I went by my own judgment as to decide when to replace my helmet. I had some pretty bad crashes, broke many bike parts, smashed a few helmets, but for the most part, I would replace the helmet after a hard hit. If I had a crash and didn't feel the helmet was damaged, I would continue to use the helmet for a short while. I would usually replace it and then that would be a back up.

I would ride my bikes about 5 days/nights a week. I would ride very fast for my own power, I raced cross country, downhill & trials. I ended up with a couple of concussions and a fractured forearm. Other than a bunch of new skin I accumulated, I fared pretty well.

I wear my helmet most all the time when I ride, more out of habit I think, but I'm not convinced that in certain circumstances a helmet will save me, but I do think it may take some impact that I would rather my skull not take. :s JMO here, I think everyone needs to decide what is best for them.

I really feel that I was much more wreckless & dangerous on the bicycle than I ever will be on the motorcycle. I had a 23 lb bike & I wouldn't go more than 45 mph in the woods. I had hit 57 mph on pavement once, but my rationale was that I would probably not kill myself, and while on the motorcycle, I don't have the need to go at max speed, but, I don't know what the other drivers are going to do, so I try to look out for myself. :s I guess feel I needed the helmet more on the bicycle than the harley.

Yeah Joy, I remember a co-worker who was a high school teacher as well who always commented about me and my "dangerous motorcycle"...yet statiscally she was slightly more at risk (she rode a bicycle into work every day)... and on weekends did competitive "Trick Skiing" hmmm 45-55mph towed behind a boat jumping the wakes and ramps without a helmet in a bikini...WHO WAS THE DAREDEVIL HERE? :D
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LOL, I won't even go into the stage of life from 17-21 when we had a boat, I will just say I am very thankful that my mother prayed for her children. Ouch! I love riding road bikes, but since nearly everyone I know who rides them have been pretty seriously injured, I quit that. Let's see, one guy got a concussion & a broken collarbone & another nearly died since he was riding along some parked cars & some woman was leaning over in the seat to get something out of the passenger side floor & she kicked the drivers door open right in front of him. He hit the door so hard he ripped it off the car, but he also ripped his aorta out of his heart. This happened about 2 blocks from the hospital, a ambulance was just leaving the ER and saw it happen. That is what saved him.
If we're supposed to replace them anytime they are dropped, shouldn't we also replace them anytime we hit a bug with them?

I'm guessing that somehow lawyers and frivolous lawsuits have had something to do with the replacement recommendation.
Helmets are like condoms. Nobody really wants to ride with one on, but sometimes you have to.

That being said, would you use a condom that "might" be defective?
Just my 2 cents....
If you're that worried about dropping the helmet and still using it, maybe you shouldn't be riding a motorcycle. Motorcycles are dangerous; people die on them, with or without a helmet. ABATE used to say that a helmet was worthless in any crash over 13mph. All it would do, if you hit your head at that speed, is keep your skull from shattering and splashing all over the street (or tree, or whatever it hit).
Wear your helmet, enjoy your bike, and stop worrying about death and destruction.
Back to were we started this thread. If a helmet gets drop do you replace it can it be tested.
They say if you drop it replace it, I say if I replaced it every time I dropped it I would spend more on helmets than on my bike.
Have it tested?? say what ? I have never found or heard of a place that will test a helmet you dropped and sighn of that it is ok.
IMO your call your the one wearing it you are the one that must decide

Okay Okay, Smitty, I think it was either Bell or Shoei way back in the 1980's (they were the most expensive, largest helmet lines at the time) who offered a "Remanufacturing" service that would provide you with a "Recertified" helmet (I really think all they did was replace the inner EPS liner, or replace the helmet entirely if the outside showed damage anything more than cosmetic) for about 3/4 the price of a new one or around $200 if it was within a year of manufacture...I think one of the MSF instructors had it done on his fancy Eddie Lawson Full Face replica because it was $350 big change back then with high tech auto up/down visor. But that was long ago...don't think any manufacturer does that now. Matter of fact only your best leather manufacturer's offer a repair service only because the initial buy in price is so high to justify $500+ repairs. :small3d023:
I don't replace mine everytime it is dropped. However a friend of mine does. I guess it is all up to the person wearing it. Choice is yours. I do like the helment - condom comparison in a earlier post. Funny but true.