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Gunk Engine Brite...been using it since the 70's keeping engines looking clean and "factory fresh". Used to use the solvent spray at the coin car wash, then high pressure, away from the electricals and fueling...low pressure for precise cleaning. On a motorcycle, keep away from the starter/brake switches and below the battery/fuse/relay area. Do not use high pressure around the wheel bearing and known electrical connector areas. Just my way...:D
Soap and water for me. I pick up so much road dirt on a 100 mile daily commute that spic and span cleaning doesn't last long. I have found that while a thin coat of oil collects dirt, it also makes the dirt come off pretty easy. It doesn't "dry on". Not that I coat the bike with oil, but I guess I don't worry about it that much.
Thanks to all for the suggestions...I ended up using an old toothbrush with some Simple Green on it...scrubbed a little bit, hosed off. Porter, you're right...I shouldn't worry so much...I ride, it gets dirty. Oh ain't a garage queen, right?
Thanks to all for the suggestions...I ended up using an old toothbrush with some Simple Green on it...scrubbed a little bit, hosed off. Porter, you're right...I shouldn't worry so much...I ride, it gets dirty. Oh ain't a garage queen, right?

I don't have anything against "garage queens".... to each, their own. But for me it breaks down like this:
1.) Safety
2.) Function/Quality
3.) Appearance

That said, cleaning is more me checking the scoot over for any issues or potential issues, as I scrub and wipe. Plus it is easier to diagnose something (say, a leak) if you know the area was clean before.

Also, if you ever have to use a degreaser, be careful around any black plastic or vinyl (as well as the other precautions on the label). Most will "whiten" black plastic, the then you have to use something like "Mother's Back to Black" to cover it up or live with it. I dropped a bottle of "Oil Eater" carrying it to my house and I didn't notice some drops landed on one of my lowers until it was too late.
I have been using the W M brand [Super Tech Brake Parts Cleaner] on any oil spots.Spray on and use hose to wash off.I dont let it set on.I have used on paint and motor trans cases with no proablems.Just wash off as soon as I put it on.Works good one can for a real oily dirty bike. Juat try it on something before using.
Any recommendations on a cleaner/degreaser for the underside of the motor? Changed all my fluids over the weekend, and no matter how hard I try, I always get some mess from the oil filter removal, as well as the tranny drain plug. Looking for suggestions for a spray that I can apply, then hose off the gunk.

First you need to get this catch tray from Cornwall tools it works great and you won't spill a drop. I like Simple Green or Greesed Lightning they both work well.


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First you need to get this catch tray from Cornwall tools it works great and you won't spill a drop. I like Simple Green or Greesed Lightning they both work well.

I have the HD version of this. Since I have oil coolers on both the Ultra and Dyna, it won;t go far enough on to catch the oil. Still get a mess every time I change it. Has anyone had success using these with oil coolers?