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Cleaning the wheels?

More snow???
Yikes, I feel your pain. Have 2 cocktails...but don't drive. You'll need your license as soon as global warming melts the white stuff.
My last bike had the aluminum/alloy wheels. I used Flitz polish on it a couple of times a month. It gets real easy after the first 2 or 3 times. It came up almost like chrome. A little regular wax on it and I was good to go.

You can buff those out to an incredible shine for aluninum, but to get a Quickie look good a scruff with fine steel wool will do wonders.
I used some stuff called zephyr 40, its like forty dollars but it's the best cleaner I have used. I put it on the wheels of my '09 ultra and they look better than when new.
Believe it or not use vinagar and aluminum foil. Spray vinager on wheel then gently rub with the shiney side of the aluminum foil. After it's done simply hose it off and dry. Works like magic! I suggest you clean the wheels to the best of your ability if you plan to sell them. People will pay more just because something looks shiney.
never heard of the vinegar and aluminum, will have to try that.

local hd dealer gave me a sample of a product by wizard, worked better than anything i tried. was also given a sample of wizard spray on wash,pretty good stuff.