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Can you say, pouring rain

I have ridden in the rain far too many times in this life so far so i am usually suitably dressed for rain when on one of the bikes as it rains most days here if you get caught out again try turning your head slightly to one side and your nose will give a wee bit of shelter to one eye and the wind /rain tend to skip past your face rather than smack into it
or just drop the visor most of the way down
we did about 160 miles in rain like that once took about 5 hours first 50 miles over steep and winding mountain roads and the drops of water were so big that visibility was about 30 yards
got to a point at one time where we almost got out of it got a clear bit saw the road ahead was dry but by the time we got there the rain had beaten us

I don't know if I would want to ride in a downpour with no glasses or face shield.....more power to you! I switch back and forth between my full face and 1/2 helmet for my commute to work. If the forecast is for chance of tstorms in the afternoon I go full face. If the forecast is clear i go 1/2 helmet. If the forcast is for rain I leave the bike in the garage!!!:D Anyway.....I have been caught out in heave down pours a few times and the full face is great....I have no windshield but the face shield works.....on the highway I just turn my head slightly every now and then and the wind clears the drops off just as good as a wiper.....just a pain to keep turning my head from side to side!
I went trough hevy rain today, flash flood type rain. I don't have a windshield either, so I just slowed down and rode safe until I got home. I was soaked, I looked like I jumped in the lake.
The bad part for me was the mess it maid of the bike.....I dont have alot of time to ride but I just cant ride dirty harley....I need a honda rain bike..:)
The bad part for me was the mess it maid of the bike.....I dont have alot of time to ride but I just cant ride dirty harley....I need a honda rain bike..:)

I have a HD for good weather and a 1250 Suzuki Bandit for all year 'round. In the British Isles, if you were very against riding in the rain, then you wouldn't do much riding because in our climate it's usually either raining, has recently stopped raining or is due to start raining soon :lolrolling

Glad that you got home ok and a dirty bike can easily be cleaned. The most important thing is you're safe. I ride all year round and one night a week I commute about 20 miles from an airport on the motorway anytime from 10.30pm - midnight. In the winter it can be cold and wet and not a whole lot of fun. If it's snowing or freezing, I leave the bike at the airport and cough up for a taxi, but I've only had to do that once or twice in the past few years - I've been lucky. The airport commute is always on the Japanese bike - it's a brilliant tool. The HD is my fun machine.
I'll trade ya. We'll take some rain, and you can have the 106* we hit yesterday. We won't see rain for about 2 more months. We'll be about 103* everyday for this week and probably til September. Last nights Rangers game set an all time record. Was 105* at 7:05 pm. for the first pitch. I have to either ride at night or get off my bike by noon. Between the heat of the bike and the heat off the highway, there are certain body parts that get much hotter than they were ever meant to get. :newsmile08:
Well said glazier and oh so true, this heat is miserable :(

Miserable is an understatement. I've got to do an inside job this week and they don't even have the A/C in place yet. You know it's hot when you have to go outside in +100* to cool off. Not looking forward to this month's electric bill, but hey...... it's just another Texas summer. :(
In mass there's almost always a chance of rain and I've been caught in it more times than I could count lol. Had a few long rides in complete down pour for 3-4 hours and the bike don't seem to mind much. My old sporty has had the speedo half full of water ;) now I hide behind the big roadking windshield and it aint so bad just pour out your boots when you get home lol. Be careful of anything in the road that's painted, wood , or metal those are the slick spots ;) and congrats on your first rain ride man