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Cam Chest woe's

If the new head configuration with the seal on the lower spring collar and vacated ports could be used on top of my 2002 3.875" X 4.000" engine,
I see this ad and am confused,
"These are take offs from a 2006 HD softail 96cubic inches. All in excellent condition."
I wonder because I thought that the 96" were Dyna's only for 2006 and then soft tail and touring were updated in 2007.
What heads coukd this be?

The Dynas were the only models to get the six speed tranny, the 96" engine and a couple of other "upgrades" but the '06 heads were common to all '06 models, 88" and 96". If the casting number on the head ends with -06, the heads are the upgraded heads, i.e., larger exhaust port, lower exhaust floor and some minor re-shaping of the intake runner. The '06 heads will flow about 10% better than the '05 heads from .300" to .560" lift.
If I were to send a set into Branch or Headquarters for porting which would be a better result?

I can't say which would be better since I have never had any heads ported by either one. I can say that HQ ports their heads to work with their kits; Canadian guys like to do it their way. Based on that alone, I would go with Branch over HQ; Branch will port around your configuration.

I would suggest considering a couple of other porters; there are so many good ones. BigBoyz, VTwin Performance, Dan Vance, Atwood, Don Dorfman I(Dewey's) and the list goes on.

There is no need to send them out of state. Lozano Brothers in New Braufels is not far from you. Mike keeps a low profile but is definitely one of the best in the country; anecdotely, Mr. Woods and TMan are a couple of his oldest buds. There are a couple of reputable reporters in the Houston area. Call Republic H-D and ask for Burt Cherry; if Burt is still there, he would know the good Houston area porters. Burt has been tuning there for nearly 15 years.
Thank you. I'll try to keep things local as possible.
When the heat dies down a bit, I'll make a run into the hill country. Perhaps I can take set into the Lozano Bros' if I can schedule a meet. As a retired machinist, and having to pay for it now, I like to get to know who is handling my work.
I got tired of conjuring up workarounds on my cam chest failure. I be pulling the entire mill out today, if the bores are good enough I can break the glaze, re-ring and tighten the heads up, it is more likely that I'll get the machine work done on the upper end.
It's time to get the Road Kind off the lift. Time to start something new.
Thanks again Dolt. It is kind of you to help.
Thank you. I'll try to keep things local as possible.
When the heat dies down a bit, I'll make a run into the hill country. Perhaps I can take set into the Lozano Bros' if I can schedule a meet. As a retired machinist, and having to pay for it now, I like to get to know who is handling my work.

Give Mike a call; he usually answers the phone. Tell him I referred you; won't mean much but an easy way to get the conversation started. Good idea to set up a meet; Mike doesn't race any more but he still attends certain events. Mike can do whatever you want him to do, i.e., bore/hone cylinder, port heads, etc. As a machinist, you will appreciate his shop and equipment. He usually is around the shop on Saturdays, catching up on tuning; he tunes for the four dealers in this area. Saturday might be a good day, or late afternoon on a weekday. Give him a call.
That's a good hit, much obliged. If ever the op arises maybe I could buy you a cold beverage.
I did sure enjoy the last couple runs to Lit'l River in Sept. I think that there will be a bike race on labor day, or not. Maybe Red is still in to it, or not. He announced his retirement and then it appears that maybe he is doing the same thing only different in October. That is cool too. I hope that the racing does not end there, I love the venue.
At any rate, if Mike makes that event, or the other it may be a opportunity to meet with him.
That's a good hit, much obliged. If ever the op arises maybe I could buy you a cold beverage.

I owe an apology. I glanced at your signature when you first posted and, for some reason, did not read Cedar Creek but Spring, Texas stuck in my head; brain fart is the only explanation.

So, you are much farther from New Braunfels than I thought. Another option you might consider for a compete package is Automotive Machine Supply in Fort Worth. I don't know them but they have a good rep and do all machine work, head porting and have a very reasonable priced 97" and 105" package that might be of interest to you.

Automotive Machine Supply :: Parts for Harley Motorcycles

Although, if you make it to Lil River, you are not far from the Lozano shop.