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Busted !

BUSTED! Wife caught me... I could see this going alot farther downhill. When you are done with your bike come right in and start on the furniture and since you are good at polishing here's the silver also. BTW dear don't forget the brass door knobs...

Glad it turned out ok.
I bought the dollar store soap scum remover for the shower (I clean the shower, I get to ride guilt free). Stuff smelled tough but didn't remove one molecule of soap scum. Used the whole bottle on a 12" area...nothing. I hope the $1 pledge isn't watered down with some chemical that's harmful to paint.

The best thing I've found to remove soap scum is a 50/50 mix of Viniger and water in a spray bottle. Spray let set 5 miutes or so, spray again and wipe. may have to repeat a couple of times it scum is real bad.
I would have never thought to use furniture cleaner but if it works then I'm all for it. Also did you guys know that the best way to clean worn chrome is vinager and the shiny side of aluminum foil. I've done on my whole bike and the chrome looks brand new.
I found one type of Pledge that doesn't work well - the "Ten-Year-Old" kind. I ran out & my wife found a can in our basement so I started using & it pretty much "gummed-up" all over my tins. I asker her where she found it & she said it was in an old box & was probably 10-12 years old (ug). Had to give my sweetie a lesson on having "fresh" pledge available at all times...;)
I've tried two different flavors of Pledge and they all left an oily film. Had to clean it off with plexis and honda cleaner. Cant figure the magic spray out I guess.
Every man for himself, but I've been using the cleaner sold at the Honda shop(I know us HD boys don't like to hear that five letter word) for ten years. I bought 4 cans of pledge that you guys have been raving about and will gladly give it to you if you come get it because to me it don't even come close to what I've been using. Don't mean to sound arrogant here but its my opinion.
I would have never thought to use furniture cleaner but if it works then I'm all for it. Also did you guys know that the best way to clean worn chrome is vinager and the shiny side of aluminum foil. I've done on my whole bike and the chrome looks brand new.

You would think that the foil would scratch the chrome. Never heard of this.
I tried the Pledge path but I think it leaves a film on the bike. I switched to Plexis and Honda Cleaner. I might just be using the wrong Pledge, I have the yellow can the is labeled original.

Uh-Oh...Honda cleaner?!!!... :newsmile100: Actually I use Yamaha plexiglass cleaner for my windscreen & face shield...yeah, I know...:p