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Burnt Stator


BOT Machine
Posted by "TQ"

Pretty much says it all...

If you have a burnt smell coming from the derby cover, and your fluid is jet black like black ink, it is VERY likely that your stator will have one or more burnt coils. You need to get the HD Factory Service Manual covering your model and year, and follow those instructions to open up the primary, remove the compensator, clutch basket and chain, and then pull the rotor off the drive shaft. I am betting that your stator will look something like the attached. If so, you will need to replace it.


As a note, we have seen that usually when the stator or the Voltage Regulator goes, the other goes right behind it. It might pay to change out both the Voltage Regulator and the stator now if you find the stator burnt.
A burned out stator (ive had 2 go out) does not mean the voltage reg. is bad. I did not change the regulator either time and had no problem after the repair.

Your thinking is correct but more often than not when a stator is changed, the regulator can't handle the output as good any more being it is older and it takes a dive. You're fortunate that you didn't have that problem but a lot of people do.
I agree with Mr. Data. It is not worth blowing a new Stator. If I was to re-use a regulator, at the very least, I would look at the ripple going to the battery using a scope. Having one blown or leaky rectifier (out of the 6) will not be seen with a voltmeter across the battery. You must look at the ripple uniformity.. Your not going to clearly see that using a voltmeter on the regulator output.

Much safer to change both parts.