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brakelight issue need help

always lookin

New Member
have an 05 sportster, the brake light just stopped working. I used meter and get signal back to light. but no brake light. The run works, signals work, does have the module in it for signals to work like brake also. Does the circuit board in the light base itself go bad?
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If you post your question on the main forum in the appropriate area, you may get more responses...although a few of our knowledgable members will be along shortly. :s
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As has been said try the simple first ie in this case bulb

yes I have checked the bulb looked good but still bought new just in case. I wish it was that easy. I get power through the harness but that's the end
I'm not sure the wires are soldered, but if they are you may have a bad solder joint to the socket. Usually the bad joint will look frosted. This can be fixed by remelting the solder. Otherwise, if you have power to the socket and a good ground, it must be the socket it's self.
Welcome from So. Texas. My son's '07 had a bad bulb socket that to be replaced. You could wiggle the wires and make it work temporarily.
Welcome from Woodstock, Georgia, northwest of Atlanta!


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