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Brake Light Flasher

I use the Signal Dynamics Back Off brake light flasher. Gives 3 short flashes followed by steady on. I have been told it definitely gets your attention. took about 10 minutes to install under the seat.
Is anyone using any of the brake light flashing units from comagination Motorcycle Headlight Modulator - Brake Flasher - Headlight Solid State Relay
I've been toying with incorporating a fash unit to make the brake ights more visible. I'm just trying to settle on what I want for sure. :eam
Right now I'm thinking about an LED fender tip light tied in with the stock brake light and adding the flasher unit to work with both.....:newsmile04:

I just bought the combo set from these people. The rear light flasher has to be spliced in the the brake wiring doesn't have plugins. They say the rear flasher will work with LED lights which I do have but I haven't installed the flasher yet. The head light flasher just plugs right in. I use that with the Osram 80/100 bulb glider recommended and it works great. The price from these people is pretty reasonable compared to others . $91 delivered to the door for both of them.
Can I play Devil's Advocate??? I bought my first street bike when I was 1961. In that time I've seen one bike get rear-ended, by a drunk who would have hit him no matter what he had back there flashing. I kinda think the break light flashing out Morse Code every time you stop is kinda annoying, and having someone behind you with a headlight modulator is REALLY annoying. I asked one guy why he had that flashing head light, and wore a BLACK jacket, BLACK pants, and a BLACK vest. why not get one of those dorky day glow green things the street workers wear.

Don't mean to offend anyone, if it makes you feel safer, do it I guess. By the same token, if you are that worried about the cars behind you, maybe you should be driving a tank, not a bike.
Can I play Devil's Advocate??? I bought my first street bike when I was 1961. In that time I've seen one bike get rear-ended, by a drunk who would have hit him no matter what he had back there flashing. I kinda think the break light flashing out Morse Code every time you stop is kinda annoying, and having someone behind you with a headlight modulator is REALLY annoying. I asked one guy why he had that flashing head light, and wore a BLACK jacket, BLACK pants, and a BLACK vest. why not get one of those dorky day glow green things the street workers wear.

Don't mean to offend anyone, if it makes you feel safer, do it I guess. By the same token, if you are that worried about the cars behind you, maybe you should be driving a tank, not a bike.

Granted, I didn't get my first street bike until 1971, but in the last 38 years driving habits have sure changed. When the person behind you can be on the phone, reading a book, doing their makeup, sending email, watching a movie, scrolling thru their ipod, blah, blah, blah....anything that gets their attention just a little sooner is OK by me.
When I am running my truck and trailer I have 10 LED Light across the rear,including four 6 1/2 x2 1/2 pulsing brakelights and last summer in flint I had a woman run into me during a traffic slowdown. Her excuse? She didn't see me! 70ft. long and 102" wide!
Brake light modulators are in use successfully and "likely" have prevented accidents. I have been rear ended, yes...did I change my habits, yes...I have developed a tap the brake lever couple times prior to a controlled stop as a regular regimen...has it helped? Don't know, but I have not heard screeching brakes or been rear ended in 15 years since...
A couple of months ago I got a brake light flasher of eBay for about 10 bucks and installed it in the tour pak brake lights. Does it work? Don't know, but I have been rear ended at a stop light in my truck but not on the bike.

Liked it so well, I got one for a freind of mine.
Screwball with all due respect - I've been almost hit and a good friend of mine WAS hit from behind. Like another has said there are too many ways a driver can be distracted while driving, if the blinking back of my front annoys folks, so be least I got their attention - and -I did it without breaking eardrums or windows...but that's another argument.:s

Can I play Devil's Advocate??? I bought my first street bike when I was 1961. In that time I've seen one bike get rear-ended, by a drunk who would have hit him no matter what he had back there flashing. I kinda think the break light flashing out Morse Code every time you stop is kinda annoying, and having someone behind you with a headlight modulator is REALLY annoying. I asked one guy why he had that flashing head light, and wore a BLACK jacket, BLACK pants, and a BLACK vest. why not get one of those dorky day glow green things the street workers wear.

Don't mean to offend anyone, if it makes you feel safer, do it I guess. By the same token, if you are that worried about the cars behind you, maybe you should be driving a tank, not a bike.
I use the Kuryakyn Panacea turn/brake light modulator. I also upgraded to the Kuryakyn LED turn signals, having gotten a great deal on them off E-bay.

I am also running a headlight modulator that flashes between bright and dim 3 times a second.

The effect of the headlight modulator is astounding. Most folks think you are a cop and will slow down to the speed limit. I have also noticed folks waiting to make left turns looking at me and not pulling out when they really had adequate time to.

The brake light and turn signal combo does the flash 3 times deal. The LED turn signals flash with the brake light and add an extra dimension to the signaling.

A human eye is MUCH more likely to notice a flashing light than a steady one.

Why do you think strobe lights flash on aircraft? Why do emergency lights flash?

The headlight modulator is controlled via your bright/dim switch. On bright, it modulates. In dim, normal ops.

So as not to be rude, I turn it to dim approaching a stop light if there is a car in front of me, or if I am on a controlled entry highway riding with other bikers.
