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Bikers Protest

Unless we drill for more, build some more refinerys and find other ways to replace fuel we use to heat and power our homes all the protest inthe world will not do a thing

I agree with you on finding other means -- but --- if we don't speak up(protest) we will still be "sheep".
Last I heard,SAUDI ARABIA was sitting on a minimum 100 years oil reserves at the present rate of consumption.That was 2 years ago,and thewres more than 1 oil producing nation out there.Herer,its pure poliutical greed jacking the prices,we pay some 65%(about)tax on the stuff.since jan,our "government has pulled in an EXTRA 1.5 billion pounds sterling in thier fuel tax.
Up here in Canuck Land we are paying 4.75 per U.S. gal.(1.35 x 3.5 litres) for high test. That's in Alberta where we have about the cheapest price in Canada. Alot of our cost is taxes of course. Rumor has it will only get worse.

Sorry I looked up the conversion from metric to imperial and it is 3.8 litres per U.S. gallon, so our price for high test in Canada is (1.35 x 3.8=5.13) $5.13 a gallon. This is why I'm traveling thru the U.S. to Ontario, Canada. Plus I may pick up a few parts along the way.
well we worked it out in uk if we put £10 ($20) we pay almost £6 ($12) in tax alone then there is a small amount to the station and rest goes to the fuel supplier

How high will taxes go before you become the United States of England? Can you say revolution?
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