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Bike wont start at freezing or below

I'd re-check the fuel pressure. I had a similar problem once & there was a small air leak so pump lost prime & took forever to get fuel back in the cyl's to fire.
Pull your air filter off and put your hand over the throttle body and try to start (works like a choke) if it starts to fire, your lean and need to add more fuel. Or try a quick shot of starting fluid in the throttle body and try to start, I bet it will fire up. Good luck:57:
Check out Extreme cold weather starting tip on this site

Extreme cold weather starting tip - Harley Davidson Community

I used to have problems starting my 85 FLHTC and I decided to read the owners manual and realized I wasn't following the cold starting procedures. Once I did I stopped having problems. In my case it says to close the choke all the way and twist the throlle all the way 2 times and then hit the starter till it fires up. Stay warm - Bob
I do not know what oil you are using but a full synthetic oil will not only allow the engine to crank, but will give you superior protection in cold weather as well. I know you said it is turning over but maybe not enough. :D
Thanks...I checked everything, no air leaks...spark is present and oil is full synthetic almost didnt start this morning and it was just about at freezing....33 degrees....starts fine any other time and def isnt lean.
Do you happen to have a SERT. You could quickly check and see what the ECM 'thinks' the temperature is. Like Glider said, the temp sensor may be bad and the bike is not extending injector pulse width.
Was intrigued by the subject so I had to read the post. My first thought was who cares :D You can bet on thing, I will never know if my bike will start at or below freezing temps! :no More power to ya, your da man :worthy

Kidding aside good for you to ride no matter what. Let us know what the problem is, I always enjoy learning from this site.
OK, it was 25 out this morning with a "feel like" temp of 15....I sprayed a tad bit of starter fluid into my plug holes and it started right up!!! Now, will it harm the sensors if i spray it into the throttle body?? I now know that it has to be the air temp sensor causing the issue....ecm isnt sending the correct injector pulse width when it hits 32, so no start. I'd rather spray it into the throttle body, because pulling the plugs all the time is gonna get old...haha...i can just pull the filter cove off and spray it through the bolt hole into the body, but dont wanna screw anything up.
Yeah, I let the pump prime....wait till engine light goes out....I alwasy use premium fuel in her...maybe ill try mid grade...thanks!