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better mpg..or myth

Higher Octane does not mean better mileage or performance in fact it can mean lower.
Higher octane burns slower ,in an engine designed for a faster burning fuel the higher octane will not fire correctly same goes for an engine built for higher octane like those with high compression they will fire to early with low octane fuels.
In most stock HD's 91-93 makes no difference

Smitty, that's as good of an explanation as I've ever heard.:hii
This post just about covers it all.
Higher Octane= lower flash Point
Lower Octane Higher Flash Point

Brands are meaningless, but quality of tanks and quanity of fuel in storage are meaningfull. Some stations with low volume and old tanks tend to have more condensation (water) which can become a problem when tanks get low.
I alway's try to buy from high volume dealer's. In colder weather we can get away with lower octane fuels but when it warms up the flash point has to come down. :small3d011:
Another good read, and I can remember all you talked about,, time does not stand still, ahhhhhhhhhhh to be young again,,, the things I would do different.
I look at the octane as a stablizer. The higher, the less likely to have detonation. Summer blend gasolines will have between 113,000 to 117 or 118,000 BTUs. Winter blends 109 to 114,000 BTUs. You'll only get so much energy from gasoline. The higher the compression, the more octane you need. Mileage is all in the tuning, the riding style and areodymamics of the bike.