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better mpg..or myth

Into the early 90s we could buy racing gas at one location it was almost pink in color and stated to be 110 octane @ 1.50 a gallon
Jack, I really hate to say this.....age thing........I bought Sunoco 260 for 40.9 cents!!!
1973 to be exact. I was 16.......the good ol' days!
Let me throw in another hitch. When the specs of the gas is posted on the pumps those are minimum specs. My brother used to drive a transport truck that hauled fuel and gas to truck stops. He only carried one grade of deisel and one grade of gas in the tanker, but filled all tanks with it. At his truck stops that he serviced all gas tanks had the same grade of gas in them.
Jack, I really hate to say this.....age thing........I bought Sunoco 260 for 40.9 cents!!!
1973 to be exact. I was 16.......the good ol' days!

In 1973 we did not buy gas we pulled up to an OD green truck with cans labeled MOGAS..
My car and old bike were lock in a fence rusting away.
Some time around 1971 was when American Gas station came out with so called white gas.was 104 at the pump.

Yep probably an age thing, when I started driving gas was 23.9 a gallon and that was the good stuff:p
You must be older than dirt Jack :lolrolling

I remember when my wife filled her VW bug up for $2 and it lasted for a few weeks.

Hey, who you calling old:newsmile100::Banane10: I call it aging gracefully
I have had only two issues with discount gas, both in my Jeep.

After using cheap gas from the same convience store for over a year the performance of the motor began to fall off. I switched to a national name brand and performance returned after a couple of tankfulls.
The second problem was after filling up at a truck stop. How could a truck stop have lousy gas?, is what I was thinking. The gas was cheap and it was on my way to work. I had been filling up there for a few months with no problem. My last fill up included diesel fuel mixed in with the regular gas I usually used. Didn't have any problems until halfway home. The engine knock was so severe I thought something had gone seriously wrong with the motor. When I called the station the next day, they did admit the mistake. They arranged to tow the Jeep into town for repairs, pick me up, and rent a car for me for the next few days. No damage to the Jeep.
Now Glider we can really mess this up by explaining how a very small amount of diesel was added to gas to slow it's burn in very high compression engines at one time.
I do not recommend you do this today but at one time it was done. And there were additives we used to make fuel fire faster that would not be a good idea today.

I have done this with my Old FXDS 2000 in the middle of Oregon, with a little store in the middle of a wheat field type..

87 was all the had,,, My Dyna had 215/17 lbs of Static compression pressure... I put a + 40:1 diesel mix into the tank using the 87.... Loaded with T-bag and wife on-board continued on with our ride...
NEVER RAN better.. Could NOT get it to Knock like it would of with out the Diesel. I know cause I've done it before with out any additive to slow the Burn Rate...

On todays bikes with CO2 sensors, You might have a problem as OIL is not a good thing for them.

I have used the diesel on Most of my trips, On a sportster with 11 or so compression, I would add 6/8 oz. kerosene to the tank(peanut) Each time I fueled..

The old farm trucks would add a 40/1 mix of diesel Just to lube the valves and did put in a few Corn Drippings there also..

If Gas wasn't RED,it wasn't worth a darn in many farmers books (Red=leaded)

Just had to put in my experiences with Diesel..
