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Bad Luck

so you think the fuse is blowen for the ECM, the wire is hot because i tested it and have already replaced the broken pin with a new one, how ever i will double check the ECM fuse and let you know what i find, so i'll be back in 5


ok,went to check fuse and it was good,so i unhook the batt to clear the code, let it set for a few mins and then i hook the batt up and turn the key on and all my dash lights came on then they all went off and about 30 seconds later my check engine light came back on so i then check my codes again and i still have the code again(P0107) so my bike will make my check engine light come on with cranking and running it, but i did replace the map sensor the other day, so my problem is some where else ? ? ? thanks

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ok, went and pull the code and cleared it the way you showed me but if i just turn the key on and let it set for about 30 seconds the check engine light will come back on and it will give me the same code, and from the site you gave me, i think i found a part # 32152-07A ???? now i'm really lost not like i was already lol thanks for all help Hoople and if you can help with this other number maybe thats why i getting the same code
That part number (32152-07A) is just the host device part number which is sending a code or the word "NONE". In most cases there are 3 host devices that can send a code(s). The Speedo, the TSSM and the ECM. That part number is nothing to worry about. As long as you see the word "NONE" and no U,P or B codes from all the available hosts, your fine.

Does the bike crank and start and run? Also Check to make sure no other pins got bent or damaged.
i can clear the code and strart the bike and it will run fine for about 30 seconds then it starts to back fire though the pipes and i give it the gas it sounds like it spits though the air filter and almost dies then back fires though the pipes again and it gives me the same code (P0107) but like i said i had already replaced the map sensor, could anothet sensor give me a map sensor code, i would take it to the shop but reallydon't have the money if you know what i mean lol, thanks
Talk to dealer. If the bike is less than 2 years should be under warrty.
i have spoke with the dealer and they said, that if they did not install the power commander and auto tune that if would have voided my warrty, and they want $85.00 perhour to check it out
I am a little confused. As the schematic shows,,the ECM should be the PIN (male) side and the wiring harness is the Female side. If you broke a "pin", that means to me the ECM connector portion got broken. You can't replace those.(?)
What am I missing?