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Back yard visitor

There was a nature show on TV last night here and they stated of the 25 deadliest snakes in the world, 23 are from Australia. And yet, death from snakebite is very rare here. Snakes are normally timid, and will scoot away........unless they have young. I was chased by a very angry tiger snake as a kid while fishing, frightened the you know what out of me. It was breeding season, so it had young nearby. They're a very dangerous snake, extremely venomous.
A "Saltie" Fourdogs, is a salt water crocodile. The only one I have ever seen was at Steve Irwins zoo, about 20 miles south of us here. It was 28 feet long, bloody HUGE!!!!! Cracked me up when I heard what Irwin had called him..........Graeme....:D Not really a "crocish" name, eh?:s
They are much more aggressive and dangerous than the fresh water crocs.

28'!!! Tw that has to be a record The croc I saw was about 15' or so - we weren't going too close with a tape measure and he looked huge. You certainly have some fantastic wildlife down there, but the one that creeps me out is the Funnel Web spider - vicious little devil :(. A friend of mine in New South Wales always made a point of checking his Fat Boy for spiders because he kept it in a big shed and once found a Red Back (another poisonous beastie from Down Under) making its home on the bike.
In England we have one "poisonous" snake and one non-venomous but the dose would really only threaten a small dog or very small child. You also get the occasion very angry rabbit from time to time :D
Living in the country in south Mississippi we happen across a snake sometimes. I used to be tolerant of them. A couple of times I walked out on my patio there would be one under the BBQ pit or easing thru the flowers. I would catch them and release them into the nearby woods.

Not so much anymore. Last spring we had 7 young rat snakes IN THE HOUSE all within a week of each other. One in the kitchen sink, one on the kitchen countertop, (how did they get there) two on the kitchen floor, one in the laundry room, found a dead one where the dogs sleep, and one coming out of the bathroom.

My wife thinking if they could get on the counter they could be anywhere. Boy that was fun. Check the floor before she got off the couch, check the bed, wake up and go check out the bathroom if she had to go. Are there any in the kitchen, laundry room, etc...

If there is one thing that will make your skin crawl its the extreme high pitch scream from your wife ....COME KILL THIS (edit) SNAKE!

Now if they are anywhere in the yard, well let's just say they are fair game.


You might want to look up, too! Lots of times they (only the small ones of course) like to fall from above!!! :swoon One possible explaination for your 'counter' critter.

Just trying to help!!! :unsure

My Back yard visitor is black with white strips, I got some Skunk Repellant. If that don`t work he`s going to meet Mr. .22 Mag.
Catwoman, now you've done it. Every time we walk into an unlit room in the house we have to now look above our heads, as well as left right and down, AFTER we turn on the are so bad!!!:newsmile030:
Catwoman, now you've done it. Every time we walk into an unlit room in the house we have to now look above our heads, as well as left right and down, AFTER we turn on the are so bad!!!:newsmile030:

Thank you!!!:lolrolling


Hey, I said, I was trying to HELP!!

Imagine how horrible I would feel if I read a thread about a small, helpless snake loosing it's grip and plummeting down onto your (or worse yet - your wife's) head, shoulder, feet...OR imagine, minding your own business in the bathroom. :panic

Ahh, I shutter at the absolutely TERRIBLE feeling I would have -- I just had to HELP!!

You really wouldn't want me to hide something like this,
would you? :dknow​

CatWoman (so bad - really?) :newsmile045:
If I found one of those in my yard, there'd be a new pair of snake skin boots in my future. The only good snake is a dead one.