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Back after a Scare, but not an accident

glad you are doing well. Take care of yourself, & as hard as it may be, follow the Dr.'s orders. :s
Sad to hear the news, but happy to hear you pulled through. I am curious without getting too personal, but 31 is very young for a heart attack what did they say caused it? Do you smoke, bad diet, overweight. I would just like to know, I think about this sometimes and try and do the right things to avoid having a Heart attack myself, but I just find myself alway eating bad and on the go. I did have a stress test about 2 years ago and it was fine and I have my blood work done every 6 months and my levels are all ok, but I am about 50lbs overweight and have some high blood pressure and I get nervous sometimes that I am headed for a heart attack.

So good luck and I hope for a speedy recovery for you .

Well, I'm 6' and just 180 lbs. Totally healthy, I work out 3-4 times per week, do not smoke, do not drink, eat fairly good... I truly believe this was just answered prayer has hard as it may sound. Only heart condition I have it Mitrel Valve Prolapse (MVP or heart murmur as many know it) and as far as the doctors can tell that had nothing to do with it. They are analyzing all the tests now, angio came back negative for any blockages, MRI is still being looked at. I'll know more in a week when I get back with the doctors. I'll keep everyone posted, but my advice to you is just take care of yourself and you will be fine. God has his plan and just follow him and you will live the life he wants for you.

Glad to hear you are back on the road to recovery,the only advice I can give you is politely tell your wife to quit nagging you,if you don't she may mother you into insanity:bigsmiley6: Trust me ,I know:small3d023:

:D She knows too, I can get agitated easily, but I am thankful to have a great wife. After I put her through the scare I put her through though I have to be nice to her nagging though, since she thought she may have lost her husband.


Indeed that is all GOOD NEWS, especially having another soul won for the Lord. May God continue to use you for His purpose. I'm glad you are doing well too.

God bless you!

That is truly the most important outcome of this and he is truly working, opening up many more windows to share my testimony and the Lord with people that otherwise would not have asked.

Thank you all for you kind words and prayers!!:thanks very careful about discounting the seriousness of MVP...if your heart size is enlarging, problem can escalate, i.e. more blood "regurgitation" (backflow) and more susceptibility to infection (imagine your heart having to work harder to move the same volume of blood per beat). So be extra careful to take your meds and your heart doctor specialist advise. MVP was the root cause of my initial condition.

That said, enjoy life and move forward...light exercise after recovery, building to moderate exercise can improve volumetric efficiency of your heart, good diet and positive outlook will work wonders.
Thanks NEWHD74FAN - Appreciate the advice (I've never had meds for it and have managed it carefully, going for my regular echo's, etc.). I'll just have to wait and see exactly what it was, although they said it was not related initially, just have to wait and see.
Glad to hear you are on the mend. You take it easy and do what you are supposed to. Praise the Lord that you were where you were. The Lord works in mysterious ways and Im thanking God that you were able to bring your mother to the Lord. I'll keep you in my prayers.