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avoiding objects in the road

There is no standard object. What Hobbit wrote is correct look for a way around and go there. Just make sure you miss any other holes, cages, objects or bikes while doing this. Obey the speed limit, signal your direction change and hope you make it through. Practice the avoicance manuvers and keep a bit of distance.
On the bird thing, never hit one, scared a couple pretty badly and took out a rabbit or something small and furry once could not really recognize the leftovers.
I agree with sled Dog about the safety course, and just practice set up some stuff in a large parking lot and practice approaching it and going over it.
I took the msf course and would highly recomend it for anyone. As for the bird thing I caught a starling with my adam's apple and I think I say stars. I actually had to stop and shake the cobwebs out of my head.
... signal your direction change and hope you make it through. ...


I thought we were talking about imminent impact with a foreign object in your path. If you attempt a signal change you will likely hit the object you are attempting to miss.
Really? Signal? If I have that much time it's not avoidance, it's called riding.
yes 2x4 and small limbs I have run over but a dog, It will take you down and the dog gets up runs off and I missing some skin and bleeding gets cussed out by the dog's owner:newsmile055:
The old story of 'you go where you look'. Try to look at the gap not the object.

I agree with other posts that hitting as square as possible is *usually* better.

As for hitting birds:
1 x seagull (helmet hit)
1 x pheasant (knee hit)
1 x duck (boot hit) - the blood from this one was spectacular! I have photos somewhere.
The old story of 'you go where you look'. Try to look at the gap not the object.

I agree with other posts that hitting as square as possible is *usually* better.

As for hitting birds:
1 x seagull (helmet hit)
1 x pheasant (knee hit)
1 x duck (boot hit) - the blood from this one was spectacular! I have photos somewhere.
You might want to consider the Remington 870 driving lights.
I've never hit an animal while riding the two worst things I have hit are a swarm of bees I'm allergic had enough time to slow the bike down and my wife got out the eppy pen we sat there awile. Most painful was a junebug in the middle of my forehead at 80 mph
Don't tail gate is good avise, also don't ride in the center of your lane if you are following a cage or truck. They will not need to swerve around a small object in the center of the lane and then you have it dead ahead if your riding center. I remember a story of a motor officer involved in a fatal accedent when he hit a brick in the center of a lane following a cage.
Ride Safe.
I use manhole covers as countersteering practice all the time. What gets me sometimes is the objects that are loose and moving around. It's like a cat and mouse game trying to figure which way it's headed. I've caught a couple of plastic bags on the freeway while trying to "out think" them.