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Any fans of Sons of Anarchy out there???

I would jump up and down and say: "Fantastic!!" but my Arthritis keeps me from doing it today because it is RAINING OUTSIDE !! and cold.:(:taunt
I am a member of the "Sons of Arthritis Chapter".....:p:taunt:42:

Now THAT"S a good one!! LOL!!!

As far as the show goes, I am patiently waiting for ALL of the criminals,(basically the entire cast) to kill each other until there is only 1 left. Immensely gratifying to see Otto? kill that U.S. marshall guy, then get shot to death. Just like Walking Dead, I'm rooting for the zombies to win and thank goodness Walt(breaking bad) is finally dead. Too bad he didn't take his wife and Jesse with him.

Entertaining? Definitely, but for my own twisted reasons.