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All ready to go

The only bit of problem I have when riding is that I get a sharp pain down left side when selecting first gear once moving all is good however sleeping is difficult so long days are not good
It has rained heavily every day so far and so far still have the winter liners in our jackets and are wearing winter gloves
we are at wifes sisters house till tuesday

Oh wow! Take it easy Brian. Busted ribs are miserable....
Sorry for your mishap..I know rib injuries hurt especially when you sneeze ,cough , or laugh and I bet your not laughing..I hope you heal up quick and can go on with the trip...
Sorry to hear about your mishap Brian.Take care and run shorter days.
Try to enjoy the rest of your trip.

Sorry to here this,but I'm glad you are not worse off. Can't believe you are still riding with broke ribs..please be careful!
What a bummer! Don't push yourself, and take the time to heal properly. Glad it didn't turn out any worse.
Ouch, take time to heal dont over do it, I will add you to the prayer chain