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96 Sportster Handlebars


This is more for my sister, she has a 96 1200 and the bars on it are awful, I was just trying to see what everyones opinion for new bars would be, the only thing is no apes, or drags ( that I would go for myself) but just something to be comfy while riding. Thanks in advance because I know that there is always really good info on this forum.
I will see if I can get one Hobbit, she has them rolled back to far in my opnion the ends are pointing straight at the ground so that your riding with your hands vert. it is very hard to ride, especially in tight turns. But I will get a pic of the bike. Thanks
You mentioned comfort; I have ape-hangers on mine and the comfort is unbelievable. I'm not trying to sell you/her on apes but has she tried them? With the apes you tend to ride more erect in the seat which positions you correctly for bumps and such. Anyway....