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88 to 95

sure,no prob.some headwork would defenatly help though.depends on what your looking to get out of it(mild or wild)
Yep, stock heads will work fine. i agre with the other two guys, it is a good time to clean up the heads. Good opportunity for port and polish. You will gain some more with cleaning up the flow in the heads.
My words are a little different...
I would go with a "Known Good Shop" and have the heads Ported and Flowed then only polish the exhaust ports. I believe the intake is best left smooth but not Polished,, Better Gas-Air turbulence

just my way.
My words are a little different...
I would go with a "Known Good Shop" and have the heads Ported and Flowed then only polish the exhaust ports. I believe the intake is best left smooth but not Polished,, Better Gas-Air turbulence

just my way.

Good head shop can trim down valve guides for better flow and as Bubbie says leave the intake alone , too smooth is a bad thing here
What others have said, but also the valve seals on the 05 cylinder heads were iffy, and some had some issues with leaking oil. If you have the heads off, maybe you should look at exchanging them with some of the head porters, or having them reworked. But, stock heads will work just fine with the big bore kit.

On the street porting is a good thing, but polished is a waste of time. On the intake you want a little turbulance to keep the fuel in suspension, and in the exhaust, if you polish, carbon will coat the ports within 3-500 miles and there won't be anymore polish anyway. You do want to smooth things out, and remove rough spots giving as straight a shot into and out of the head as possible. polishing works best on a race motor that is taken apart regularly.
No need to stop at 95", as Wiseco manufactures pistons to allow cylinder boring to 98", and the 96" to 107" as well.
That, combined with the proper cylinder heads modifications, and a cam as simple as a Wood 6, and you could expect 110/110, to be within reach, with a good pipe, tuned correctly.:)