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8 degrees F this morning...

I am a riding addict, but I don't have a blatant death wish. Didn't ride yesterday. Thanks for the concern! Digging out HEAVY snow today.

The "yellow helmet" is a rider I commonly see commuting (in the opposite direction from me). Some days the only motorcycle I see is "them" (him or her, I don't know), but I like it because there is someone I see who is just about as addicted to riding as me. I also kinda like not knowing who they are....just waving to each other as we go by....
I am a riding addict, but I don't have a blatant death wish. Didn't ride yesterday. Thanks for the concern! Digging out HEAVY snow today.

The "yellow helmet" is a rider I commonly see commuting (in the opposite direction from me). Some days the only motorcycle I see is "them" (him or her, I don't know), but I like it because there is someone I see who is just about as addicted to riding as me. I also kinda like not knowing who they are....just waving to each other as we go by....

Pretty cool. There are many mornings I ride that I'm the only one on 2 wheels too. It's kinda like a competition (in my mind) to see who's crazier than me.
...and the heated gear works great! (it was 6 degrees F when I got to work) Still can't figure out how to keep my visor from frosting up on the inside.

My personal best was a ride at 0 degrees F. For the state of MD this cold be in the running for the coldest day of the year.

How about you folks a little further west and north? Any cold riders this morning?

55 Here at 7 am, will be in 72 this after noon... :small3d026::small3d026:
I would ride on the sunny days here, but I have to trailer my bike down the drive to the highway.
So I normally just wait until I get a brown trail of gravel I can ride up and down it with.
Usually snows again before that happens.
Stinkin snow :newsmile078::newsmile062:
Man, or You da words...30*F my personal best with the H-D (no heated gear). With full face helmet (Shoei) I had a Breath Guard fitted which fit over your nose but acted like a curtain to keep the breath below the visor (fitted into the mouth guard liner with Velcro). For the 1/2 helmet, I use the leather with microfiber "It's a Wrap" to cover nose and mouth area and Red Dog goggles over my eyeglasses, no problem -- so far. I have used Anti-Fog wax and it helps for all my eye wear.
I don't mind the colder weather -- but I do mind all the salt and sand they put down. That stuff keeps me off the road. I put my boots down on salt at a stop and almost dropped my bike!
Oh yeah, rock salt might as well be marbles on the road. You have to watch for that...

Good point about moving your feet/hands Smitty. I would go one further and say move your whole leg as well. I almost fell over coming to work one of the first cold mornings. Worked the clutch and the brakes to creep up on a cage making a left, across traffic. As I came to a stop, I went to put my feet down (after 50 minutes of riding) and nothing happened! The bike started to tip to the left. I sent a PANIC message from my brain to my legs and I was just able to get them down and out in time. That was the closest I have ever come to dropping my scoot....sheesh! This was before I had any heated gear. After this event, I would do the "funky chicken" to make sure my limbs worked, approaching a stop.

I have Gerbing brand gloves and insoles and an HD "gerbing" jacket liner (snaps into my FXRG jacket perfectly).

It is a balmy 40 degrees here today. Roads are a little wet out from melting snow, but it feels good, the salt is gone and it is warm enough to wash my ultra before tonight.

You have the "body, hands, & feet" warmly taken care of, what do you wear on your legs? I generally wear a pair of bib-overalls or chaps. Tracy

You have the "body, hands, & feet" warmly taken care of, what do you wear on your legs? I generally wear a pair of bib-overalls or chaps. Tracy

If the temp is below 40F I wear full leather pants (FXRG) and flannel lined jeans. Above 40F I wear chaps and vary my jeans (lined vs. unlined) with the temperature. I never ride without leather on my legs.

Above 70F I wear a "Switch Back" jacket. (My leather FXRG jacket, even with vents open, is just too hot for me with the sun shining and it flaps annoyingly if I unzip it.) It lets me remove the outer layer/windblocker. The inner jacket is mostly a heavy nylon mesh, so the air goes right through. Regardless of the temp, I never ride without a jacket.